Millhime Reunion July 13, 2003

Koons Park, Linglestown, PA (Lower Paxton Township)

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The Millhime Descendents at the 2003 Reunion

(Click on a picture to enlarge it)

Rae Neubaum Gil and Betty Robinson with grandson Art Savage and his fiancé Rachel Nestor & their puppy


Michael Hughes

The Wings: Phyllis, Connie, Kennard Jr., Kennard Sr., and Linda Wing Blake

Gil and Betty Robinson's daughter Mary Savage (Art's Mom)


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Alice Hughes with her children Hannah and Emma (with Bobbie Sue behind Emma) Bobbie Sue Books and her great-aunt Nancy Neubaum Hartman

Nancy Hartman, Rebecca Blake, James Wing, Sara Wing, Ashlee Conner, Tom Wing, Jonathan Blake

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