Thanksgiving Day    November 27, 2003    NeeNee's 8th Birthday

tday-vals-2003-11-27.jpg (281424 bytes)
Thanksgiving Table at Val's

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The birthday cakes
Thumper-NN-Val-3.jpg (168646 bytes)
What'cha looking at?
Thumper-NN-Val-4.jpg (128851 bytes)
Aunt Val's the best!
Thumper-NN-Val-2.jpg (168058 bytes)
Hurry up, Aunt Val!

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One of these is ALL MINE!

nneatinghercake10-27-2003.jpg (85458 bytes)

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I'll bet I could eat THAT one, too!

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Is that all there is?

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Wow, this is the BEST!

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Whose tail is that, I wonder?


Hit Counter

November 29, 2003