Jezzie's Page

Jezzie in March, 2005

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Puglet or Seal?

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Puglet at Attention

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Patient poodle with pug in foreground

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Two patient puppies

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Worn out poodle, trying to nap.....

Jezzie in March, 2004

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A girl's gotta get comfortable!

      Aunt Anita's pretty good at this....

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Jezzie-stare-on-blue-demon-doggie.jpg (60476 bytes)I'm so tired - Closeup

Jezzie in NeeNee's Backyard - February 29, 2004

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Jezzie Snoozing - February 28, 2004

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I'm sleepy--don't bother me. Oh Mom, how could you wake me up?

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Headless Puppy with Headless Squirrel

February 16, 2004

Jezzie Invites NeeNee for Pizza - February 15, 2004

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First Encounter (Mom & Aunt Anita Assisting) What puppy? I don't see a puppy
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Jezzie telling Mom she just wants to play with NeeNee

Revised 03-06-2005

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